Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Thursday Class Post

On Thursday we spent the majority of the class reviewing the quiz on waves. This quiz was more like the midterm back in January then like previous quizzes. I liked the variety of question methods of multiple choice, graphing and short answer. I thought that some of the questions were similar to what I would have expected for this quiz. I thought that the information was for the most part from the notes and i just made a few careless mistakes. In this unit if you confuse one thing, it can really throw you off. I also got tricked by the last question because i did all the math right, i just did not realize it was roundtrip so i messed that up. Overall i did not think that the quiz was too bad, i just confused a few things and it threw me off, but the quiz corrections have helped clear up the confusion and i now i understand this unit better.