Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Waves Part II

Yesterday in class we continued learning about waves. We learned about standing waves, which travel in the same medium, have the same frequency and amplitude, but travel in oppisite directions. We watched a video clip and saw some demonstrations to further explain this concept. I think that maybe just one or the other, the deomstration or the video would have been enough, both was kind of over kill and just seemed repetitive.

Then we learned about diffratcion, which is what happens after a wave hits an obsticle, like a wall with a break in it. After it hits the wall, the wave spreads out behind it. Once again, the picture were helpful here, but the video seemd a bit redundent. I think its good to break up notes every once in a while, but too many videos makes the lesson kind of chopping.

Finally we learned about resonance, which is the amplitdue of an object's ocialtion at or near its normal frequency. Once again we were given exaplmes to better understand the concept.

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